Thursday, February 19, 2009


There are several ways to profit from the emerging Green Economy, and some the most exciting ventures are coming from the minds of successful ecopreneurs. With the rapid pace of the current economy, small businesses are adapting to changing conditions. Monolith companies like Ford and GM are struggling to re-invent themselves as the ‘economies of scale’ model of bigger-is-better proves to be cumbersome. Human demands are changing fast, and small businesses are much better at listening to their customer and fulfilling a specific need. Of the 577,000 people who lost their jobs in December, I’m sure thousands of them have a hobby, passion or creative talent that could be profitable. Small businesses account for virtually half of America’s labor force, so any economic recovery plan should include education and incentives for new startups. The entrepreneurial spirit is a truly powerful force, and can really get people motivated!

If you have an idea for a new business, remember that a small businesses plan should include an analysis of social and environmental impacts and benefits. If you can show that your business will cut carbon emissions, cater to under-serviced communities, or create green jobs then it will be much easier to find financing from investors and credit unions. There are lots of opportunities opening up in this new economy, so be creative when you see a gap! Green Businesses are great for creating a competitive advantage because people value sustainability, and will pay more for eco-friendly products and services. Finally, you can live your life knowing that you are contributing to economic and ecological development!!

Contact your nearest Small Business Association and create a plan to make money doing something that makes you smile!

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